Sunday, April 5, 2009

Howdy Bloggerites. I thought I would toss out a reading list for lovers of the politically incorrect.

A good place to start is "Hamilton's Curse" by Thomas Dilorenzo. This book takes one back to the beginning of this nation's troubles with an overreaching government.

"Red Republicans and Lincoln's Marxists" by Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, Jr. shows the connection of Lincoln's vision for this country and Marxists.

"The Real Lincoln" by Dilorenzo strips away all the myths, fantasies and lies associated with Lincoln and lays bare his real agenda.

"Complicity" by Anne Farrow, Joel Lang, and Jeneifer Frank gives you a better grasp of slavery as it was promoted, prolonged, and profited by the northern states until it was no longer profitable.

"Myths and Realities of American Slavery" by John C. Perry is a very good history of slavery in general and in the South in particular.

This should give you a good running start on becoming a disciple of the politically incorrect.

Oh, yer politically correct friends are goin'a love ya.


Unknown said...

Great books all!!

Holly said...

Excellent book list Mr. Roberts. I would like to suggest that you add the book, War Crimes Against Southern Civilians, by Walter Brian Cisco, as another eye-opening book for your readers. It busts more than a few myths.