Thursday, November 27, 2008


One of my hobbies is to visit schools, if invited, to do a first person living history bit just to add a touch of realism to the usually dry subject of history. I dress in my reenacting uniform which is usually a Confederate Cavalry Captain. I usually display the various flags of the Confederacy, my accoutrements, such as weapons, equipment, etc.

One of my first questions is, "Ddo you students or teachers know what were the causes of the War?"

With out hesitation they all agree it was "slavery." Isn't it interesting how effectively the politically correct propagandists have brainwashed our young people into believing that the only thing that brought the two sides to warfare is slavery? They may not know anything about American history but the one thing they do know is that the Mean Ole South wanted to keep their slaves and the Heroic North came down here to free them. Nothing else is mentioned. Therefore all Southerners should hang their heads in shame and disgrace. I do my best to set this record straight.

Wow, our schools are doing a fine job. Right?

1 comment:

Heather S said...

So if you had to list the top five causes of the war, in their order of importance, what would they be? I think I know what my top five would be, but am curious to see your list and explanation.