Tuesday, September 29, 2009

News flash! - Good book review

The good folks at Confederate Veteran were kind enough to review my book in their latest issue. You can read the review on my website HERE.

I appreciate their positive feedback on the book. Nice to know some folks have enjoyed reading it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Reenactor Balls

One of the benefits of being in the reenacting world is to be able to attend the balls that are part of the interest. Most reenactments include a dance or ball. Some groups have a ball as an event in itself. These are very enjoyable and educational.

There are certain protocols that were observed at the 1860s balls and it is nice to try to observe them in reenacted balls of today.

First, it is more fun if one is appropriately dressed, i.e. period correct clothing. For the ladies this means a ball gown with proper accesories, purse, gloves, hair arrangement, etc. For the gentlemen period correct attire may have options. If you are coming in full dress military regalia, Confederate or Federal, you may wear your sword or side arm but please, lay it aside before dancing. You may opt to come as a civilian in which case, formal period dress is required.(DON'T FORGET WHITE GLOVES! These protect the ladies' dresses from hand sweat.)

These balls have a dance manager who conducts the dancing.

It was considered proper for a lady to have an escort for the ball. He may have been her husband, father, grandfather, uncle, brother or just a friend, any properly dressed male of the species. It is permissable for an unattached man to present himself to the dance manager with a request to be introduced to a lady with whom he would like to dance.

After an introduction he may then ask the lady for the honor of the dance. It is considered rude for the lady to refuse unless she is fatigued or has promised the dance to another. When the dance is ended the man should conduct the lady back to her seat or wherever she wishes.

It is also considered poor form for couples to dance with the same partner only for every dance. One of the objects of these dances was to be a social mixer giving people opportunities to become acquainted with others.

Why am I saying all this? Because the best of the best, the "OLD SOUTH CHRISTMAS BALL," is coming to Greenville South Carolina on December 12. It will be hosted by the the Old South Ball Committee, who are all prominent socialites and avid reenactor types. For you unmarried types, the Sheens have two beautiful, vivacious, talented daughters who are well known in the reenactor world.

YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THIS EVENT. Make plans to attend. You will not regret it. For more information contact myself or check out their website at www.oldesouthball.com.