Saturday, July 4, 2009

Answers to the June 26 Quiz

Some of you blog followers did very well. I'm impressed.

Civil War--A war between two or more factions, each striving to take over the government. The War Between The States was not a civil war.

Subaltern--A subordinate officer. Example "The colonel and his subalterns."

Regiment--A unit of an army consisting of 10 companies, usually about 1000 men, commanded by a colonel.

Cannonade--A sustained bombardment of cannon fire.

Grape shot--a cannon projectile consisting usually of 9 balls about the size of a golf ball and held together by 4 iron discs with a bolt through the center. When fired the bolt breaks and the balls seperate. A very destructive type of ammunition usually used for anti-personel fire.

Artillery battery--A group of cannon, usually six, under the command of an officer and accompanied by supply wagons and around 40 or more horses and some 60 or more men.

Haversack--A small bag made of canvas or coated canvas having a strap for carring over the shoulder. It was used by the soldiers to carry personal items such as soap combs, toothbrush, tools for his weapon, maybe some food and other "possibles."

Brogans--A government issued shoe, usually made of leather and having neither left or right but could be worn on either foot. Most were of poor quality and uncomfortable, but it beat going barefoot.

Headstall--The part of a horse's bridle constisting of straps over the top of the horse's head and across his brow and under his neck. It also supported the bit.

Major--An officers rank just above a captain and just below a lt. colonel.
Most regiments had at least one.

Shell Jacket--A jacket usually made of wool or jean cloth and extending down to the belt line. Very popular with cavalrymen.

Ramrod--A wood or steel rod used to push the powder and projectile into the barrel of a rifle, musket, cannon or other weapon. It was also used to clean the weapon.
Most hand held weapons came equiped with the ramrod placed just under the barrel.
Most cannon ramrods had a sponge or swab on the opposite end to help clean the inside of the cannon tube.

Mini-ball--More properly called Minie bullet, it was a conical lead projectile for a rifle. It was much more accurate than a round ball. It was invented by a French captain named Claude Minie.

Caisson--A two wheeled cart large enough to carry two ammunition chests and other items for a cannon. It was made to hook on the rear of a limber makeing a 4 wheeled vehicle to transport ammunition. Usually drawn by six horses.

Secesh--A derogatory term used by the yankees for anyone associated with the Confederacy. Many Rebs accepted the title with pride.